Does your business website experience a lot of high bounce rates? Are you unsure of why this problem occurs or how to fix it? Discover four crucial elements of digital marketing that can decrease your bounce rate throughout your website pages.
1. User-Friendly Website
A business website should be as user-friendly as possible for a smooth, seamless experience. Various elements such as outdated or chaotic design or suspicious content are often turnoffs for potential clients and customers. Discover some key elements of a user-friendly website so that visitors won’t immediately click away.
Mobile Responsiveness
Is your website viewable across all devices? While you might have a great-looking website that people can view on a desktop or laptop, they might be turned off if they can’t view it properly on a tablet or phone. Tiny font that they have to enlarge or elements that are distorted on a phone screen can cause people to turn away from a website quickly.
Make sure that you program your business website to be as seamless as possible whether a customer sees it on their laptop or mobile.
Clear Navigation
Visitors want to quickly discover the information they need. So make sure that they can with easy site navigation. Some suggestions on how to incorporate this more successfully include:
- Broad categories like Services, Locations, or Contact as main navigation headings
- Organized pages under their respective categories
- Clear page names to avoid confusion
- Minimal navigation headers to avoid overcrowding, especially on mobile devices
- Easy navigation between primary, secondary, and tertiary navigation levels
With these tips in mind, you can create a clear navigation that will empower and motivate visitors to click around the website instead of being frustrated and leaving altogether.
Good Design
Unsure of when you last updated your site’s design? While an older design might seem charming or endearing to you, many visitors won’t find it so. Instead, update your website to the latest website design that both inspires visitors and highlights your brand and business.
Besides older design, chaotic design such as too many ads — especially ones that make site viewing and navigating a challenge — or suspicious content that seems like spam can be unpleasant for a visitor. Make sure any ads or links you have on your website are not distracting, clickbait, or overwhelming. Instead, designate them to appropriate yet highly viewable spots where interested people can click on them.
Specific Pages
Do you own a company that offers many products or services? A key way to help people find the information they need and not go back to the search results is with specific pages. These pages should be specific to the service or product you offer, including with the meta information and content on the page.
You might be tempted to just put all your services or products on one page. However, that doesn’t always give visitors the exact information they want. A page that clearly talks about a specific service or product can enable a visitor to determine the details of the service or product and incentivize them to learn more, schedule a service, or make a purchase.
With one page, a person might not get enough information or be tempted to forgo your company altogether. Give your visitors more with specific and detailed service or product pages.
2. On-Key Content
Perhaps the most important element of your digital marketing is the content you produce. Whether you like to generate blogs, put together videos, or write product descriptions, each have a part to play in keeping your customers and clients interested and willing to invest in, buy from, or use your company.
However, when you want to specifically keep customers or clients on your website without clicking away, then good content is the key. Discover what elements content has to make your visitors stay and come back for more.
Clear and Engaging Content
When visitors to a website find unclear, boring, or unsuitable content, they will likely get out of the page quickly. Instead, make your content stand out by utilizing these elements:
- Identify the audience you want to tailor your content to.
- Decide on what tone and reading level you want to adhere to.
- Write to their understanding of the subject matter.
- Ensure that you involve them in the discussion.
Make sure the overall content answers the question they’re looking for. Headings and content that don’t relate to each other can leave a visitor disappointed or frustrated and want to leave your website quickly.
Call to Action
While a visitor might stay because of well-written content, you want to guide them to the next action to take. Do this with a clear call to action. Some notable examples of calls to action include buttons and links within the content.
Make sure that you use direct and imperative words. And while a simple “Contact Us Today” is fine to use, make sure to fine-tune your calls to action based on the next step you want visitors to take. Don’t be afraid to experiment with various words to see what works.
Without clear calls to actions, many readers won’t know what to do next and might simply leave the page.
3. Quality Analytics
Any website can have a nice design and catchy content. However, how will you be aware of how well these do for your digital marketing without the right analytics?
A variety of website analytics tools and programs are available. However, these are some of the metrics you should ensure your chosen analytics has and updates regularly:
- Number of visits
- Number of new visitors
- Bounce rate
- Engagement
- Choice of viewing device
- Means of navigating to the website
All of these provide valuable insight into what works and what doesn’t on your website. For example, if you’re targeting a single page, you can look into how long people spend on that page, whether they navigate to other pages, whether they buy from or do anything on that page, or where they came from to get to that page.
With the analytics, you might see a pattern of people navigating away because of a lack of or subpar content, as well as poor design, inaccurate keywords, or no call to action phrases. You’ll be able to incorporate your findings into improving your website and decreasing your bounce rate.
4. Clear Keywords
Keywords entered into a search engine are what often lead a visitor to your website. Therefore, you need to ensure that you have the right keywords.
Make sure your keywords direct to what they actually should. Keywords that lead to a page that only partially relates to the keywords or doesn’t relate at all will ensure a quick exit from that page.
Any or all of these elements can provide your website the boost it needs and keep visitors from turning away. If you want to give your visitors a worthwhile experience when they come to your website, ensure that you use the right digital marketing tools and that you use them well. To learn more about what digital marketing resources you can use effectively, request an evaluation today.